An AI startup looking for its niche.
Scope of Work
- Web Design
- Copywriting
- Branding
- Presentations
- Sales & Marketing

The Challenge
JigLabs is a super talented AI company that had built technology to inspect shelled eggs, identify bird species from user pics, and more.
But their old website was outdated and their pitched decks lacked focus, style and authority.
They clearly provided value to their current clients, but they weren’t sure how to communicate that to new ones.
The Strategy
JigLabs is a small, focused company that handles one to two large projects per year rather than building software and scaling to a massive user base. So rather than build a website to sell a fixed product and appeal to the masses, we focused on 3 goals.
- Establish authority as a skilled AI partner
- Clarify what types of problems they solve
- Differentiate from competition focused on products and scale

The Message
After discussing several real and imagined challenges and solutions we realized they all had two things in common:
First, their solutions always involved analyzing visual data to make better decisions. Second, they are the company that solves the hard, messy problems other AI companies fail to solve.
To communicate the first point we created the slogan “Better vision. Better decisions.” We also built a tabbed section on the website to efficiently illustrate the range of problems JigLabs could solve across industries and applications.
For the second we emphasized the idea of JigLabs project based approach that with sections discussing their domain knowledge, hands on approach and focus on “AI built for your environment, not our lab.”
When we analyzed the competition we noticed patterns in their websites:
- Most websites were bland, cluttered, impersonal and lacked style.
- They all used highly technical terms the average non-AI-expert (read: potential client) wouldn’t understand
- They overwhelmed with multiple products and technologies leading to further confusion
- They emphasized their size and scale, how many images or decisions they processed daily, etc. While impressive, this provides no clear benefit to a quality supervisor simply focused on solving his or her immediate issue.
We took a different approach and created attractive and distinct branding paired with a more everyday, approachable language that conveyed clarity, approachability, and a single-minded focus to solve a client’s problem.
We removed clutter and kept the focus simple and direct: What can we help you with? Schedule a call. Let’s solve it together.